Cooperation of Nationalist Can Hasten Victory

The condition in the Horn of Africa is daily getting bitterer for ordinary people and abusive to rights and liberties of nations and individuals. Despite that Oromo nationalists are not forming common understanding from experience got through struggle. They are so divided into different groups waiting for opportunity to jump on the bandwagon or attract more adherents than the other.  The later has been tried several times since the formation of the OLF but remained stagnated. Because of it the negative impact on psyche of society was significant. That, that was a mistake can be seen from the many wasted opportunities. Oromiya and her neighbors are on fire as a result of mismanaged governance. In particular unless Oromiyaa seeks a way out, destruction being aimed at her is total and grave. To break out of this requires cooperation of nationalists.

 Overtly preaching slogan of the masses the incumbent government is covertly plundering and carrying out wanton destruction. Past rulers claimed the land as their own. The present one realizes it is not and so is trying to squeeze out of it what ever it can. That is why it sells it at cheap price to oversea land grabbers. Resources that are exploited from Oromiya are not ploughed back into it. They rather pass to enrich the motherland and pockets of the rulers. For this reason it is not difficult to surmise why Oromiyaa suffers from shortage of food, environmental degradation, health care, and education facilities.

It may be said where can grabbers take the land for they cannot put it into their pockets; we can get it back as we did before? The maximum the previous one did was indiscriminately cutting down trees and not replanting them. This one came with a poison that could burn to fertilize it fast. The previous one used most produces in the region. This one does not leave even the stable behind but takes every thing across the sea. For this reason, it now exposes the people to famine, and later it is going to leave them with barren, unproductive soil. That the poison has effect on procreation of human beings, animals and plants is already being told. It means, the people, there animals and plants are going to be sterile.

When I think of my country the unbearable suffering of the people and those that fell in the struggle to liberate them comes to my memory. What comes before my eyes in reality and in dreams are the brave that bade farewell to life of comfort and rose against injustice so that the nation regains its lost name and dignity. It is now saddening to see their names used for commercial purposes in bad faith. While others were heard unethically tarnishing their names beyond unmarked graves. Instead of coordinating their abilities and becoming invisible force they have chosen to make use of each other dead and living for different purposes. Moles and saboteurs had tried to defame the heroes to dismantle the struggle camp. That be as it may, how can they break out of this vicious circle, let them ask themselves and each other? Is there any other panacea except coming to our senses and join hands? Make no mistake; as long as one determined group exists the struggle cannot be stopped.

Many people know only that there was schism in the camp of the struggle but do not know its cause. For this reason they depend on speculation and reach a conclusion that is full of absurdities. Any political organization initially attracts those it takes as having the determination and commitment to take its objectives to the desired goal. After that they will put in place an instrument and move with its guidance. The rules set down are not eternal; they are subject to changes by common will. Individual or group whim cannot replace the common will. It rather could crack unity and disturb harmony. That was what happened to OLF. Groups breached the common understanding. After that they failed to speak in one language. Each in its own cocoon developed different behaviors that some waver when the question of reunion arises.

Since the schism they have raised arms against each other. They have wounded each other’s feelings in groups and individuals with words. One part has tried to destroy the other relentlessly. Though in vain, yet scars to heal are left. Campaign against the enemy was reduced to words, while against each other it was raised to “red”. Negative approach to relations became the rule. That is a direct assault on the spirit of Oromummaa. To choose brandishing spears over tolerance is a tactic of saboteurs. By doing that they make the movement to lose credibility and trust in the eyes of the nation and third parties. Supporters and members that now blindly flock with groups have begun to raise questions of the struggle being derailed. It is even seen when some join the enemy. Therefore, there are more questions being paused that true nationalists are required to answer. They are responsible for the daily suffering of the people.

The field back home is neglected by concentrating the struggle away from home. With absence of enemy around, there is no wonder if comrades turn against each other.  Yet the braves are out there, in the home field. It would be hypocritical for those who claim to lead such braves by remote control from the Diaspora. For such, to be leaders rather than supporter might have harmed the struggle. For this reason it would be beneficial if a clear line could be drawn. Hayila Sillasee’s model of imposing ones will from across the sea must be discarded. A leader is one who leads from home. It is common in a struggle, for a fighter to be captured, to be killed and to desert or betray. The whole army could even be erased. A true nationalist is one who stands by them to the end and does not complain to rebuild when destroyed. He or she knows that there are even those who do not hesitate to give their lives. There is nothing that could give pride and cover to one, than the fatherland. The fighters that vowed not to compromise its independence, but pay what ever it costs are out there in the mountains of Oromiya. Those have no equals in giving pride to the nation and their deeds are challenge for the spineless.  

The criticism on the program of liberation struggle so far is that it does not go with the time; it believes that a people can be successful struggling alone; it does not give opportunity to struggling under the present system and bring solution

As long as a people are denied its independence and freedom there is no time bound condition that would force it to abstain from struggle. To defend against evil is instinctual to beings. For this reason no one can stop it to continue what it started by improving technique. It did not start moving for nothing and it will not pullback for nothing as well.  Only those who believe Oromo cannot stand without prop could say otherwise. For the nationalist to accept dependence on aliens tantamount to self annihilation.

They say the world will become a village. Even if that happens she will not lose her present variegated complexion. The communist fooled the downtrodden by feeding similar false hope. OLF program amended over ten years ago had never been fully implemented. It is being blamed for the spirit that is yet on paper. It is not the ideals enshrined there but the negligence of activists and the sinister activities of saboteurs that should have been focused on. It is said, it becomes full moon by slowly shifting position. Change is the rule of nature. From among the enemies enumerated at the beginning were found feudalism, capitalism and colonialism. Feudal system was destroyed with the destruction of land relations. Capitalism reappeared changing itself to globalization.  Colonialism is still there. Activists have to cancel what had expired, change tactics on one that had changed itself and improve approach and weapons for the remaining and move to face it. To shift a little to become full moon or to make paradigm shift means that, as far as the OLF is concerned. However, Oromiyaans have still enemies as they have friends. Their enemy is any one that opposes control over their resources and destiny.  

To say a nation cannot be successful by struggling alone is true and false. It cannot be denied that to get alliance against an enemy that is built with strong alliance of foreigners can bring victory faster than tackling it alone. Above all mutual respect and cooperation with neighbors is the basic principle of Oromo culture. But one has to strengthen oneself first. A nation has first to coordinate own force and gear it towards a purpose. A nation that has internal harmony can stand against any force. To look for alliance from outside with out having strong internal understanding would be creating many enemies externally and internally. Otherwise nothing would hinder forming common front with any other group based on common interest.

One that has no rear but name can not refrain from using the ally against its own siblings. To use the name others may embrace it. But it will remain a white elephant. There are some who dare say independence is determined by factors such as geography etc. Landlocked country in the world is not only Oromiyaa. Geographic determinism is an out of date theory that no body should bother about. Despite the difficulties, there is always a way for the brave and the determined.

There are those who prescribe accepting Ethiopian constitution and struggle to democratize Ethiopia. That had been tried during the Darg and also at present and failed, leaving alone betrayals of emperors days. Can’t one learn from transitional government and last two elections? It is rare for those who came to power by force to peacefully relinquish it. Because it heads the empire one can negotiate with this power about the process of decolonization. That may be done only if one is in position of strength. At present there is no group that has attained that position to bring honorable return from negotiating. For this reason to first strength oneself is absolutely essential.  

The initial kaayyoo (national objective) of liberation movement was to bring about freedom of the people and independence of Oromiyaa. It must be understood that all other ideas must be held subservient to this one. Difference in outlook, religion, and region are secondary to the Kaayyoo. Those are not of common national concern but belong to private circle. What we have in common is the desire to enjoy liberty and live in one country in equality. A nation has the universal right to national self determination. That is an inalienable right for the Oromo as well.

When it attains that level, parties can try to influence it take their advice. When some agitate for independence others may encourage it for union with its neighbors. OLF will canvas for independence of the nation. However it shall honor decision of the people. Even with “NO” vote it can continue the struggle peacefully under union law. That should be clear to all. That is the mission of OLF. As long as one person that adheres to initial kaayyoo exists it would be difficult to revise its mission. That would make revisionists irrelevant for the charisma that OLF generated will expire with it. Those who desire change of mission, therefore, have to look for other parties not OLF. There are many in the world that struggle in that manner. From among those, Front libération du Québec can be cited. To achieve independence of Québec it did not quit for failing once. In the same way people of Oromiyaa should not be denied the alternative OLF provides. With that only shall glorious victory be achieved!

The condition in the Horn of Africa is daily getting bitterer for ordinary people and abusive to liberty of nations and individuals. Oromo nationalists are some how divided into different groups waiting for opportunity to jump on the bandwagon or attract more adherents than the other. Problem comes from failing to understand difference between major and minor conflicts. All differences that affect the kaayyoo should have been pushed to the background. For this reason to agree on priorities could restore trust and prevent disturbance of societal interrelations.  Past fissures did not give special advantage to any particular group. It rather drove supporters and members to lose hope and shun or betray the cause. Oromiyaa is on fire. She does not need one who feels sorry for her but those who can extinguish it. It is a time of urgency. To falter would only take many years back. To form, understanding, cooperation and watertight organization in time could create trust internally and with third parties. With that victory will not be more than span away.

Honor and glory for the fallen heroines and heroes; liberty equality and freedom for the living and nagaa and araaraa for the Ayyaanaa of our fore parents!
Ibsaa Guutama
September 2010

Ibsaa Guutama is a member of the generation that drew the first Political program of the OLF.

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